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Become a Couture Member and earn points for every appointment and redeem them for exclusive discounts on your U're Couture Wellness services.

  1. Sign-up & Save

    • Join our U're Couture Wellness loyalty program today! As a member, you'll earn points with every booking that you can redeem for discounts on your favorite nail services. Start enjoying exclusive rewards and benefits now!

  2. Earn Points

    • Couture Elite Members Earn 10 Points for Sign-up

      Get 10 U're Couture Rewards

    • Earn 5 points for each appointment you book!

      Get 5 U're Couture Rewards

    • Order a plan

      Get 1 U're Couture Rewards for every $1 spent

  3. Redeem Rewards

    • Flexible reward

      100 U're Couture Rewards = $5 discount

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